Thursday, July 24, 2008
64 Thousand Years

My conversation with god (below) was not at all surprising. I am, after all, a modern human being with all that implies. I detected a cutoff. God was extremely pissed by our most recent conversation. I didn't even bother to dial 666 again. I retracted the antenna and dialed Lucifer. Lucifer answered immediately:
me: You following recent political events?
lu: As usual. Very interesting.
me: My recent conversation with WHTZSNM resulted in a real disconnect. What was the problem?
lu: Did you get it on VR?
me: Yes. Here it is: (I transfer the entire conversation via Universenet. Lucifer analyses the conversation)
lu: God is attempting to hide His ignorance. He likes you. He wants you to admire Him.
me: What was it with the oil?
lu: As you know, all instructions for managing The Universe were destroyed in the Big Bang. The Universe has been running on autopilot ever since.
me: Yes. I know. So what?
lu: God is pretending to be in charge. He cannot accept that you know what you know. God is in denial.
me: Thank you for your take on this problem! By the way, I am wondering whether you ever heard if a fella name of Tim Russert.
lu: Yes.
me: How's he doing?
lu: Quite well. He was sentenced to 64 thousand years in Purgatory. Lucky, lucky guy.
me: Give Tim my regards.
lu: Done.
My conversation with god (below) was not at all surprising. I am, after all, a modern human being with all that implies. I detected a cutoff. God was extremely pissed by our most recent conversation. I didn't even bother to dial 666 again. I retracted the antenna and dialed Lucifer. Lucifer answered immediately:
me: You following recent political events?
lu: As usual. Very interesting.
me: My recent conversation with WHTZSNM resulted in a real disconnect. What was the problem?
lu: Did you get it on VR?
me: Yes. Here it is: (I transfer the entire conversation via Universenet. Lucifer analyses the conversation)
lu: God is attempting to hide His ignorance. He likes you. He wants you to admire Him.
me: What was it with the oil?
lu: As you know, all instructions for managing The Universe were destroyed in the Big Bang. The Universe has been running on autopilot ever since.
me: Yes. I know. So what?
lu: God is pretending to be in charge. He cannot accept that you know what you know. God is in denial.
me: Thank you for your take on this problem! By the way, I am wondering whether you ever heard if a fella name of Tim Russert.
lu: Yes.
me: How's he doing?
lu: Quite well. He was sentenced to 64 thousand years in Purgatory. Lucky, lucky guy.
me: Give Tim my regards.
lu: Done.