Friday, May 02, 2008


A Beautiful Choice


TGIF again! Kootch is still in Japan, and I am still alone (more or less: JF agents watch me constantly, as usual). Good news is that there have been no more JF attacks on Kootch's Toyota that I can detect. It starts fine as usual, and - strangely - I did not notice any tire vibration as I drove it today. My provisional theory is that 'they' replaced the pilfered tire weights in the correct positions. Prove me wrong if you can.

The political news this week is totally fascinating, of course, and I am beginning to lean in the Obama direction after he totally disengaged from 'pastor right.' Apparently, Obama - a late convert to Christianity (after having been raised with no religion) - was not a frequent church-goer after his religious initiation, and as a result was surprised by Wright's fanaticism, whereas Michelle (his wife) was somewhat contaminated by Wright's 'Black Liberation Theology' due to her more frequent exposure to it. (There was another Blogger autosave problem which seems to have disappeared after I played a game of chess on Comcast.) Furthermore, Obama was apparently not contaminated by 'black rage,' because his father was a black African, not an 'African-American' with a long family history of slavery: his black African father was simply a Black African. The result is that Obama is not only half black but half white too! Hmm! Add to that the fact that Obama is extremely intelligent and sophisticated, and you get a unique socio-political concoction.

Hillary, on the other hand, is an extremely intelligent and sophisticated white female! Wow! What a beautiful choice we have. And then there's McCain, who apparently never learned a thing about war in spite of extensive experience.
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