Friday, March 14, 2008


Waiting to Exhale...


Fun Cucumber Commercial. Where has that cucumber been?

The Mystery of Picasso. Stage by stage views of an amazing painting.

The Humbling Universe. Carl Sagan. Beautiful. Enable sound.

Wikipedia article traffic statistics: My personal favorite so far: vulva. (Caution: you don't want your uncircumcised 12 year old son to see this just yet. Or maybe you do? What about your circumcised 13 year old son...)
Welcome to hulu. 'They' say that before the end of this year you will be able to access this kind of stuff on your TV via your TiVo. Well, maybe.
Fascinating body facts. Love your liver.
Beethoven piano concerto #5, second movement. I was looking for the ultra-Acid-friendly 5th movement, but it does not exist on The Tube, yet. Buy the CD, but beware of the 4th movement while tripping on Acid. This second movement might be even more 'Acid frendly' than the fifth movement. Beautiful stuff.

Finally, Letter to God. Tragic. First of all, the letter was never posted, probably because the sender did not know the address. He only needed an address, and maybe a stamp. The result was that God never received the letter. For want of a nail... I find it interesting that preachers regale us with sermons concerning 'God's wishes for us,' but provide us with no means to check up on those sermons. We are told to pray, but no address for our prayers is ever provided to us by those preachers. We pray into the cosmos, and our prayers have the same effect as if we had exhaled into the vacuum of outer space.
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