Friday, March 14, 2008


Enduring Life

In my opinion, one of the best expressions of The Evil Mind is this amazing video. I found it astonishing. I have never thought like that, and yet I can understand the speaker on some level. The video is remarkable in that it illustrates EVIL both visually and audibly. Here is pure, unadulterated hatred against... The Other. Here is isolation. Here is rejection. Here is a huge number of human beings who have been rejected culturally. Culturally! No other rejection is so painful as cultural rejection. And yet, no other rejection carries less true weight! Natural rejection results in starvation (for example) and is often fatal; but cultural rejection is insidious, leaving the victim still alive. The victim must endure life in the face of cultural rejection. Most victims attain to that desired state after fashioning a personal psychology friendly to their particular situation. Homosexuals are a good example.
But there are those who are born genetically evil. Evil arises in those folks as a matter of maturation. They are programmed by their genes to be evil from the get-go. Those folks seem to be rare, but they exist.
Interestingly, they do not 'endure life' at all, but they enjoy life. They enjoy the evil of their lives, taking pleasure in the pain they inflict on other people. Most of them eventually end up in prison; however, a small portion of them end up in the Criminal Justice System as successful lawyers or cops. A few of them end up as politicians. Thankfully, those folks are in the extreme minority.
In my opinion, the two most prominent examples of genetically evil people in today's world are Bush and Cheney.
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