Thursday, January 31, 2008


My Political Comments

Politicwise, it looks like both political parties have narrowed the candidates down to two each (more or less), and the Democratic debate is going on even as I type (being gassed here: RLG). McCain seems to be the Republican front-runner at the moment, while the Democratic race seems to be still undecided. Very interesting political stuff! And what a contrast:
A: McCain, the old protestant Irishman vs Romney, the young Mormon, both governors.
B: Clinton, the woman, vs Obama, the African-American male, both senators. Delicious!
On the Republican side I notice that McCain (Cain and Able) has been endorsed by the Jewish senator from Israel, Lieberman. I therefore presume that McCain is the AIPAC candidate and benefits from lots of Jewish-American (and possibly Israeli) money, not to mention Christian Fundamentalist money. This would make McCain the religious nut candidate. And McCain is old. It is doubtful he would be a two term president, so his vice-presidential choice would be significant, futurepoliticwise.
And then there is the Democratic pair, both representing change. The result is that what we have here is a choice between dramatic change and business as usual. No contest. The Democrats will win, hands down.
Concerning the Order of Power, I would currently favor Clinton-Obama, but I could support the reverse order, or even another order entirely. (Not that I will actually vote: America doesn't work, for me. The result is that I am only a privileged observer of modern culture, and a commentator.)
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