Friday, January 18, 2008


A Dramatic Response


Got a bit wierd there at the end, so I (oops, Kootch is ready to eat while we do Millionaire) wrapped it up. The hangover was more intense than usual, also. Is Natural Ice stronger than Mickey's? Tonight's beer is the usual 3.2 supermarket stuff, so I have no excuse. Speaking of beer...

There was a dramatic response to last week's interview with the ACSD: radiation is waaay down recently, even at night. The result is that I have been getting adequate sleep. More than adequate, in fact. So when 'they' did their usual thursday night radiation bash I'd had enough sleep the previous nights that sleep deprivation is not a problem today. Apparently it is possible to 'store sleep' up to a point. Gassing may have actually increased, however, and 'communication' (via stomps and taps and wall-bangs) remains constant at the usual level.
Is electromagnetic radiation harmful? I think so, if it is absorbed in massive amounts. I can certainly attest to the fact that it is at least uncomfortable, and I suspect that when massive amounts of RF are absorbed, nerve damage is the result. This sort of damage is most likely in the extremties (feet, for example). In my particular case, my feet were closest to radiation from below, and as a result suffered the most nerve damage. Radiation from above is a recent phenomenon and is very uncomfortable; However, I can detect no obvious damage. 'Periphal Neuropathy' is also caused by constant high blood sugar (diabetes). I suspect the radiation, not the blood sugar.

Can such radiation be deflected? My attempts have been unsuccessful.
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