Friday, December 14, 2007


The Violent Prophylactic

I've found more HD channels on local cable. Alright! The problem is that the channel lineup is not at all intuitive. Example: channel 7 is 51-1. SFSG, but channel 4 is 51-2. There are other nonintuitive examples.

I'm waaay early today. The problem is that 'they' allowed me to sleep for six hours. I got out of bed at 0730. I have been drinking Diet Pepsi since then, but my famished body eventually demanded alcohol at least. Request granted. Back to basics:
This intrepid reporter in Africa got himself circumcised recently as his personal statement against AIDS. But a recent U.S. study suggests that sexual mutilation (circumcision) has no protection effect in that regard. I live in a world full of idiots, as you know, and I deplore the long history of 'circumcision as cure.' Human males were created to masturbate. Human females too. Religious attempts to deny this human right to us all amount to religious/political tyranny. Nevertheless, I wish the African Idiot well and look forward of hearing from him from time to time regarding his various sexual exploits and the resulting disease states, if any. My guess is that if this sucker does indeed avoid AIDS it will be because after he desensitized his dick he lost interest in sex.
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