Friday, December 28, 2007


In the Line of Sight

Darth Vader on Acid. The suggestion is that even an evil person can be transformed by Acid. I do not agree. Evil is genetic and Acid won't change it. Although Nature is not perverse, Evil arises in Nature from time to time. Overall, the good in Nature far exceeds the evil in Nature.
50 Most Loathsome People in America. I don't agree with all, but I certainly agree with #1 and #2. Never heard of most of them.
EyeWitness to History. Could be interesting on a rainy sunday afternoon.
PBS's Wired Science had an interesting (tap) blurb recently about 'The Quiet Zone' which is a geographical area which the government has designated as 'electromagnetically quiet.' The idea is to outlaw EMR (electro-magnetic radiation) of all sorts so that radio telescopes can scan the Cosmos unfettered by local interference. As I watched the piece I thought, 'I need to move to Virginia or West Virginia!' The draw, for me, was the existence of something called, EMITT (Electro-Magnetic Interference Tracking Truck) which would certainly detect the kind of massive EMR which is being directed against me almost constantly from the apartments above and below. (You should be able to catch the piece at PBS if you are interested.) I was struck by the (left leg below the knee being irradiated with SCR as I type this - another joke) gentle way the 'EMR cop' treated the 'offender,' a woman with a wireless speaker system, signals from which could be detected by the giant radio telescopes in the area - and the tracking truck.
The ACSD has no such truck. Nor is it clear that the law forbids harrassment (more SCRLL) and torture by EMR. It could be 'legal.' It is certainly difficult to detect unless you are in the line of sight (tap).
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