Friday, November 09, 2007


Religical News. Relmed News.

Well, clearly Jesus and I had a communication problem, and since Jesus seemed to be preoccupied at the time, I did not press the issue. But now that I know Jesus' number, I plan to contact Him from time to time concerning questions which may lie outside WHTZSNM's 'jurisdiction.'

In current American religious/political (religical) news, Pat Robertson has endorsed Rudy Giuliani, the pro-abortion, pro-gay republican politician. The 'end' does indeed justify the 'means!' 'They' say that Robertson expects Giuliani to appoint one or two judges who would strike down Roe vs Wade. Not bloody fucking likely. Robertson likes Giuliani for his hatred of Muslims. Robertson thinks that Giuliani is the most likely candidate to bring about Armaggedon, and 'The Rapture.' Robertson is scared shitless of dying. He wants to be raptured outa here, and Giuliani is the key.

In current American religious/medical (relmed) news, 'Abstinence doesn't work.' Despite 141 million recent dollars spent on trying to pursuade horny teenagers to stop fucking each other they continue to do so at an alarming rate, producing many accidental offspring. I would humbly suggest that the 'abstinence' program is utterly laughable: You circumcise the males soon after birth. When they reach the age of horniness you advise them to abstain from fucking. Failing that, you advise them to use rubbers when fucking. Can you imagine what a circumcised boy actually feels while fucking his true love wearing a rubber? Nothing. Nothing! Circumcision removed most of his penile sensations and the rubber removed the rest. He might as well be fucking air! But he will make a good lawyer. Eventually. Or pediatrition. Or psychiatrist. Or terrorist.

Here is my suggestion: Cut off money for sexual mutilation by outlawing the practice. Teach masturbation (not that an intact boy needs to be taught!). Your daughters will remain virgins longer. You will save a bunch of money as a result. You will furthermore have a happier and much less perverted population. Those boys will discover pussy eventually, never fear...
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