Friday, November 16, 2007




That last post must have represented the stage where I began to take myself too seriously. I always do it eventually. Hmm. can I come up with something funny at this late hour? Nope. I just retried the previous funpic link and got zapped again with the same attack. I had to do a 'system restore.' Seems to have worked. I will do a VirusScan later.
Just did a chess game on Comcast and won as usual (tap).
Bought a new package of (boom) panties yesterday at Wallmart. Size 12 'sport briefs.' I was attracted by an orange pair. Wore them today. Those knickers knick! I already have hundreds more than I can use, of course, but when you have a real fetish...
Just played a game as black with Nightmire. Won as usual. Booze doesn't affect my chess playing ability as much as it affects my other subcranial functions. I conjecture that chess is virtually imprinted within my neural structure, part of the substrate. I can even play it blind(tap)folded
and win against a beginner (like Kootch). She was amazed by that, but she seemed to be irritated that I could even beat her on Acid. I suppose it was because I did it in front of the girls (who were also tripping - Kootch was babysitting as usual). Generally speaking, women are not as 'visual' as men, puzzlewise. Kootch is quite intelligent except verbally. She is a verbal disaster, Englishwise. Don't tell her I said so...
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