Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Sue me!

Wow. I can hardly wait to talk to my KP yum-yum again! Naturally I will keep you informed.
Meanwhile I may have to redo the Chess Life article about the faggot Walter Gerash. I published a photograph of that pathetic old Jewish sonofabitch some time ago but I can't find it anywhere in my blogs. If you really want to see it you will need to procure a copy of Chess Life, April 1998. Meanwhile you can look it up (boom). You can find related (boom) text here. I will republish that photograph of Gerash (boom) next time. Suck on it, Faggot! Sue me if you dare! You're a fucking lawyer...
Which brings us to the idea of 'reputation.' Interesting idea. 'Reputation' can be quite a complex concept. The fundamental thing about 'reputation' is that you don't own it. Others own it. You have very little control of your reputation, expecially when you become a 'public figure.' Gerash, a 'public figure,' has that problem. I am not a 'public figure' (yet) (tap) and so I do not suffer (boom) from 'reputational anxiety' (to coin a phrase). I have no reputation problem whatsoever. I see my reputation - such as it may be - as none of my business. My reputation belongs to you entirely. I am content to leave it at that. What you think of me is literally none of my business. I couldn't care less. Fuck you and your opinions whatever they are.
This important freedom results from (boom) having no personal friends. I have no personal friends (except Kootch, and Kootch expresses her opinions quite freely to me. Nor am I afraid of Kootch's opinions.) I have no one to please or impress. Not even god. And so I roam our lovely and glorious world quite free of the psychological hindrance of 'reputation.' You should be so free. But you are not.
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