Friday, October 12, 2007


Suck on That, Deutsch!

Bill Moyers recently did a fascinating (tap) piece on the unholy Zionist alliance between Christians and Jews regarding Israel. (On his weekly PBS show, Bill Moyers Journal.) This is a must-view if you are at all a friend of humanity.

The Death of Chemistry is part of a new feature on PBS called, Wired Science. Apparently, the current zietgiest has killed the old fashioned chemistry set, and as a result Chemistry majors are down by two thirds in the US.

I love Jimmy Carter! He has recently called Dick Cheny, 'a disaster' and Giuliani, 'foolish.' I agree wholeheartedly with both pronouncements. Carter the Maverick?!

Fareed Zacharia (Foreign Exchange, PBS) recently did a brilliant piece with Selig Harrison on the possible coming attack on Iran. What a tragedy that would be.

Tom Lantos, Holocaust Survivor, recently discovered the Armenian Genocide, and has introduced a resolution condemning Turkey (our only Muslim NATO ally) for that historical event. So far so good. Problem is, Turkey, embarrassed at an inopportune moment in history, has recalled its ambassador for 'consultations' and Turkish troops are poised on the border with Iraq ready to invade our ally, Kurdistan, in order to punish Kurdish terrorists. Whew. Morality is more complex than I thought it was.

Ann Coulter never fails to entertain. I enjoyed her recent notoriety concerning her appearance on the 'Donny Deutsch show' where she proposed that Jews need to be 'perfected.' Eheh. That has been my impression too. Coulter and I differ concerning exactly how that process should be implemented, of course. Coulter sees Judaism as, 'Christianity 1.0.0' (I can go along with that, but my criticism of Judaism has more to do with personal history.) Coulter apparently tried to explain to Deutsch that C was an iteration of J, which made J obsolete. D interpreted C's explanation as A-S. So it goes. My impression of C's argument is this: 'You dumb-ass Jews had a bunch of commandments to follow and you failed, resulting in diaspora from the Promised Land.
Jesus came to your rescue, but you killed Jesus, idiots that you are. Jesus then saved us Christians instead. What does that mean? It means that we Christians can sin all we want, while you dumb Jewish bastards still have to follow all those stupid little rules in the Old Testament. You can't possibly do that, therefore you will all burn in Hell, while us Christians will bask in Heaven because of Jesus' death on the cross. Furthermore we will be able to watch you burn. Suck on that, Deutsch!'
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