Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Scary Halloween Photo

Happy Halloween! I must admit right at the outset that I did not properly prepare for tonight's blogwrite despite the fact that I knew a week ago that I would write it again on this night. My excuse is that I have abandoned chess (tap) at Comcast. This resulted in me filling my spare time with C-III. C-III is addictive. I stopped playing chess at Comcast reluctantly after noticing that the simple-minded Comcast chess program insisted on using huge amounts of my computer time. What could Comcast be doing with so much of my computer's time with their stupid little chess monitoring program? No good, it seemed to my paranoid little brain. So I quit. True, they had recently introduced a new version of Comcast chess. True, they had improved it marginally by allowing the participants to see the final position for a few seconds. That much is true. But such an insignificant improvement should not be using up so much of a two gig processor's time. (I run WXP and I always monitor the computer-busy time while on-line: cntl-alt-delete. I do not trust Comcast. Nor do I trust McAffee. Indeed, I trust nobody.)
The photograph above is that of Walter Gerash: Devout circumcised Jew, repressed homosexual, obsessed stalker, sociopath and psychopath, wealthy lawyer, and generally delusional psychotic. It's the scariest photo I have, very appropriate for Halloween. Taken nine years ago at least, this photo shows Gerash at the peak of his ugliness. Enjoy.
Kootch has already hit the sack. I am alone (except, of course, for the ugly old Jewish faggot upstairs who taps from time to (tap) time).