Friday, October 05, 2007


Radiation Update and Link Dump


Radiation update: Itching hands occur in the BR too, as was demonstrated this week. Also new, (tap) 'radiation welts' appear on the backs of both hands (BR only), not just the right hand. These 'welts' are small circular (approx. 1/4 inch diam.) swollen areas that itch while being irradiated. Both the swelling and the itching subside soon after (tap) radiation ceases. Interestingly, 'palm itch' can suddenly disappear in both hands simultaneously over a period of less than a minute. Abrupt changes in radiation intensity are unusual, but do happen occasionally. I've noticed the effect especially during TCR (teeth chattering radiation) where the TC effect can suddenly start or stop instantly, as if a switch were turned on or off. This has happened many times (tap).
Radiationwise, a new (tap) phenomenon is emerging: deep penetration radiation. I've been studying it for two or three weeks, now. It will be a while before I have enough confidence to do a description. (Presuming I survive!) (boom)

On that note (tap) here is this week's Link Dump:

This site predicts your personal life expectancy. (Seems, in my case, to be waaay optimistic.)
God talks to Bush. No doubt, G-d learned that particular form of expression from me.
The Abyss. Reminds me of a recent movie on TV: Memento. I saw part of it a few years ago in a local 'multi-theater' and recorded it on TiVo recently and watched the entire movie. The movie (and expecially the cited article) points out the value of memory. Memory is invaluable. We are memory. But it is possible to abuse memory by living in the past. Memory can also be oppressive. Sometimes it is better to forget.
Rhodiola Rosea: Healthful Herb.
Blog Action Day. I propose a new subject for next year: Acid Day!
You are made of this. But apparently there is much more to it.
Blogger Play (tap). Did my little Jewish weenies make the cut? Click on any image that you might want to explore further.
Speaking of which, tonight is the next iteration of spaghetti, and Kootch forgot to include them. It's just as well, I suppose, but I can't imagine either of us eating them in any other gastronomical context.
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