Friday, October 12, 2007


The Politics of Pee

That seems to be the meaning of Jesus' death. What is the meaning of Jesus' life? Hmm...
(I recently tried to research Fareed Zacharias' info using Google and was attacked by a Trojan which took my browser down. I had to do a 'system restore' to bring it back. For a while there I thought it would be a short night, and I was ready to abandon you all. Naughty me.)
I thought I had invented VOOT, but apparently not.
Do you pee in the shower? Congratulations, you're normal.
Do you feel guilty about it? Uh-oh, you're waaaaaay over-potty-trained.
Apparently, 'peeing in the shower' is the number one secret received at (TODAY). I see this as proof that potty training creates conservatives of all stripes, all over the world: liberals pee freely; conservatives pee eventually.
The conservative mentality is necessary, of course, in order to limit the cultural chaos which would result from ordinary progress. It's a balance (between Liberal and Conservative) which serves our species well.
(Congratulations to Al Gore for winning the Nobel Peace Prize!)
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