Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Deep Penetration Radiation

I noticed both the white van and the brown van when the current occupants moved in. I remember the driver of the brown van very well. He was standing beside it below our patio, on the grass. I was observing them from inside. He looked up at me. We made mutual eye contact for about 4 secounds before he broke off. During that time we exchanged quite a bit of information. His message to me was, "So, you're the mark. Hmm." My message to him was, "I am going (boom) to nail your ugly Judeo-faggot ass to the wall." And he was ugly. He looked like a typical Israeli settler with a huge beard. The other guy was tall, skinny, and handsome. He seemed to be totally unaware of my existence. I didn't see the kid until days later. He's tall like his daddy. I would not have known of his existence but for a sign in one of the apartment windows which proclaimed (boom) that a "(?) High School football player lives here" (and interestingly, a similar sign appeared at 7152 S. Franklin st. near the same time.) The sign was removed a few days later.
Concerning the newest form of radiation, DPR: Deep Penetration Radiation (if it exists) presents as a mild dull pain in the middle of the chest. Feels like it might be either heart pain or esophagus pain. It can also appear (tap) in the abdomen (boom), and other parts of the body like hands, feet, arms, and legs. Unlike the tingling, muscle-twitching, skin-crawling, pin-pricking, stinging radiations which are all surface phenomenon, this radiation is felt deeply only.
I first noticed DPRC (chest) more than a month ago, and it was always accompanied by a tap from above. Night after night there would be a tap, followed by DPRC. At first I thought it was a gas. But moving my body immediately removed the feeling (as it does with arms and legs). I concluded that it was a new form of attack. I thought it would kill me, eventually. When I felt it I would move. Soon I noticed that their aim was off: sometimes it was right of center; sometimes left. In order to eliminate heart problems I went for a strenuous (tap) bike ride. No heart problem presented itself. I tried just laying there to see if it would kill me. No joy. It was only somewhat uncomfortable, and intermittent. Another feature of DPR was that it appeared only in the absense of skin symptoms: no skin symptoms plus tap from above equaled DPR. I concluded that they had to change frequency to do DPR. But I have noticed within the last week that they can do DPR simultaneously with skin symptoms. I conclude that they have added new hardware.
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