Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Cook at High Temperature
This leaves us with the short list:
Fareed Zacharia - The Seige of Mecca
Richard Roberts, Fundamentalist Failure
Dalai Lama - ultimate religion
Fareed Zacharia scored again this week with his interview with the author of The Siege of Mecca, Yaroslav Trofinov. I must say that this subject caused me to re-evaluate my concepts of why Arab Muslims hate America so much. I'd thought it was all about Israel. Maybe not.
Richard Roberts has stepped down in the face of looming scandal. I love it! What a story!
The Dalai Lama seems to have impressed Bush with his religious attitude. Bush, Christian Idiot that he is, was stunned by DL's fundamental emotional position of, 'compassion,' a supposed trait of Jesus which we don't much see nowadays among Christians (or Jews). Compassion: Very interesting idea. I must say that I agree with Bush here.
I also agree with Bush that the Jewish Idiot in California - Tom Lantos - is wrong to bring up ancient war in order to feel good morally. Precisely the opposite is the case: Lantos' resolution would kill many people who otherwise would not have died. Lantos is a Jew who - like many other Jews - would sacrifice America to save Israel. That idea is widespread among Jews. It needs to be denounced openly. It is a bad idea. We need to make peace with the Muslims. We need to attack Islam with Modernity. Islam has been cooking for some time but is not yet done. Christianity reached target temperature during the French Revolution. Christianity was done by then. We took it out of the oven. Islam needs another hundred years to cook. Islam has not yet reached its 'Revolution Temperature.' We need to encourage the Islamic Revolution. Islam needs to be embarrassed by Modernity. We need to cook that unfortunate religion at high Modern temperatures.
This leaves us with the short list:
Fareed Zacharia - The Seige of Mecca
Richard Roberts, Fundamentalist Failure
Dalai Lama - ultimate religion
Fareed Zacharia scored again this week with his interview with the author of The Siege of Mecca, Yaroslav Trofinov. I must say that this subject caused me to re-evaluate my concepts of why Arab Muslims hate America so much. I'd thought it was all about Israel. Maybe not.
Richard Roberts has stepped down in the face of looming scandal. I love it! What a story!
The Dalai Lama seems to have impressed Bush with his religious attitude. Bush, Christian Idiot that he is, was stunned by DL's fundamental emotional position of, 'compassion,' a supposed trait of Jesus which we don't much see nowadays among Christians (or Jews). Compassion: Very interesting idea. I must say that I agree with Bush here.
I also agree with Bush that the Jewish Idiot in California - Tom Lantos - is wrong to bring up ancient war in order to feel good morally. Precisely the opposite is the case: Lantos' resolution would kill many people who otherwise would not have died. Lantos is a Jew who - like many other Jews - would sacrifice America to save Israel. That idea is widespread among Jews. It needs to be denounced openly. It is a bad idea. We need to make peace with the Muslims. We need to attack Islam with Modernity. Islam has been cooking for some time but is not yet done. Christianity reached target temperature during the French Revolution. Christianity was done by then. We took it out of the oven. Islam needs another hundred years to cook. Islam has not yet reached its 'Revolution Temperature.' We need to encourage the Islamic Revolution. Islam needs to be embarrassed by Modernity. We need to cook that unfortunate religion at high Modern temperatures.