Monday, June 18, 2007
This is Butt a Test...

While playing around with my old computer I noticed that it was easy to upload photos from my Japanese softporn collection. This may or may not be safe for work butt I thought it was cute.
I'll try publishing this as a test... worked fine, and although I am able to view the published result on this computer it does not appear on my blog yet as viewed on the other computer. I conclude that newly published blog entries cannot be viewed by the public until after the blogger has signed off. I've further noticed that I cannot edit this post... WTF!? Also, editing a previously published post does not remove the original. Something is screwed up. I'll try exiting blogger and see what happens...
Soon after that I lost my internet connection and had to pull the plug on the router. After waiting a while I tried the router again. No joy. So I bypassed the router and Comcast seems to be satisfied. This last paragraph was written on my usual computer. Question: will this post now publish? We shall see...