Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Pubic Hair

Welcome to Pubic Hair. Your presence here confirms my best thoughts about you: you have definitely passed the two titty test. I knew you could do it! Notice that we have two tits plus pubic hair! Regarding the crotch, I suppose it has been (tap) 'touched up' by Japanese technicians in order to make it more presentable, a common practice back in those times. What I really like about this woman is her style, her personality. She is otherwise beautiful too, of course.
Be advised that in future visuals we will witness more tits, more butts, more pubic hair. We will eventually do the full gynecological view, only after you have been appropriately indoctrinated. The process could well take weeks, and I promise to forewarn you (boom) in case you might feel that a sudden exposure to raw cunt might do your immortal soul irreparable harm. So place your immortal soul in my hands (boom), trusting me to pro(boom)tect you.