Friday, June 08, 2007


Blogger Equals Shit


Blogger sucks. What a piece of shit. You would think that a bunch of overpaid dumbass programmers would be able to get a text editor right, but you would be wrong. For example, in the previous post I colored 'pussy' hot pink and I colored 'god' brown (which is as close to the color of shit as blogger allows). Then I 'emboldened' both words. The result was that both words were depicted in bold black and white - no color. Pussy was not pink. God was not the color of a typical turd.

But in reality pussy is pink. In reality God is the color of shit.

What does Blogger have against these natural colors?

Am I dealing with a Jewish 'Blogger?' A Muslim 'Blogger?' A Christian 'Blogger?'

I don't know. But I do know this: I created a text editor from scratch using 6502 Assembly Language (a mid-eighties product) more than twenty years ago. I know that 'text editor programming' is easy.

What in the fuck is wrong with Blogger??!
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