Friday, June 22, 2007
The Anger Test

Fascinating. I am now writing Blogger simultaneously with both computers. I suspect that this photo is of the same three 'schoolgirls' who showed us their panty-clad butts in the first picture. (Kootch tells me that she, too, wipes with the left hand, by the way.)
Butt I digress. It was my intention to show you two tits this week, the idea being to sort of 'acclimatize' you over time for what is eventually planned. I'll get to the tits later, butt first the good news:
RF (radiation, feet) is way down since my recent 'filthy faggot' tirade. Also, there is a 'for rent' sign in the window of the apartment below (butt there are still taps from above). These are good signs. It will be difficult (bonk) for me to reconcile tenants below me with a continuance (boom) of the radiation because those tenants would be affected unless the lower apartment has been shielded in some way. So I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel. We shall see...
On the subject of 'faggots' I am well aware of the ugliness of that word, and I use it only when describing Gerash and frie(boom)nds. Ann Coulter's use of that word in a political context is grotesque: no political candidate is gassing her, irradiating her, harrassing her, and eavesdropping on her. She doesn't pass the 'anger test.'