Friday, May 04, 2007


National Republican Prayer Day


On the subject of religion I was fascinated yesterday by the appearance of Christopher Hitchens on CNN's Lou Dobbs Tonight. Wow! What a very special show! Hitchens was there to promote his book, god is not Great - How Religion Poisons Everything. And he appeared on National Prayer Day! Gutsy move by Dobbs, and I support Dobbs enthusiastically in the matter. Well done, Lou! (I should mention here that while I may agree with Hitchens on religion I do not necessarily agree with him on Iraq.)

And what is it about National Prayer Day!? The Republicans had their first 'debate' on thursday. Was the choice of days an accident? Were the Republicans somehow reaching out to god? One wonders. I watched part of the debate although I was severely (tap) sleep-deprived, but I missed the part concerning the question of which participants did not believe in Evolution. Huckabee, Brownback, and Tancredo raised their hands - idiots that they are. I doubt that America will vote for a president who is so idiological and so anti-pragmatic as to doubt such a fundamental scientific verity. Evolution is the very principle which unifies all of biology! No reasonably well-informed person can doubt it.

I came away from the debate with the impression that Duncan Hunter is one dangerous son of a bitch. I also found myself laughing at McCain's promise to 'follow Bin Laden to the gates of Hell.' We live in a very dangerous world which is threatened by ancient religious nonsense combined with modern armaments created by Science. The twain shall never mix. We need to jettison all of that old religious horseshit and accept the philosophical implications of a modern science if we are to survive. Nobody will be there to morn us when we're gone.
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