Friday, May 11, 2007


I Don't Like Greek


God answered immediately.
gd: Sorry about our last encounter. I was very busy at the time.
me: I understand. By the way, what was the problem?
gd: Millions of voices buzzing in my head. It has happened before, so I know how to deal with it, but whenever it happens it always seems to catch me unaware and...
me: I understand.
gd: So. What's on your mind?
me: I'm curious: can You tell the difference between C and c?
gd: See and sea? Of course!
me: Also, I was very curious about Your most recent research, especially that concerning the speed of light. I'm wondering about the name of the book. Can you reveal it?
gd: Sure: 'Don't Know Much About Space.' Ever read it?
me: What a coincidence. I'm reading it now. Great book.
gd: I agree. I love the clear, simple language of it. The author should be commended for producing a book which EAASL folks like Me can easily understand.
me: EAASL?
gd: English As A Second Language.
me: Ah. I suppose that Your native Latin knowlege helps in translation?
gd: Hebrew, actually, but I know Latin too, and yes Latin helps.
me: Very interesting. I presume you also know Greek?
gd: I avoid Greek, but I do know it. I know all languages, as you well understand.
me: What's wrong with Greek?
gd: (His voice suddenly acquires a sharp edge to it.) I don't like Greek. Ok?
me: Ok, ok.
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