Friday, May 18, 2007


Good Riddance


Jerry Falwell dropped dead recently, and not a moment too soon. I was not a fan, of course, but I did admire his final technique. What a way to go! One minute he was engaged in everyday life, and the next minute he felt weird as his vision faded to black and the last thing he heard was his fat ass hitting the floor... then nothing, forever. Way to go! In fact, I'd like to make my exit in that very same fashion, taken by surprise. I love surprises!

Falwell lived in what Carl Sagan called 'The Demon-haunted World,' the unfortunate aspect of which was that the most dangerous 'demon' in that world was the very god he worshiped. He thought of that god as a stern vindictive father capable of burning his unruly children in the fires of hell forever. He taught that message to every child who came within grasp of his voice. One wonders whether the pathetic Jew who practices 'metzitza b'peh' and related sexual perversions quite comes to equal Falwell's verbal perversions. Thinking about it just now I suppose the mind can be restored more readily than the foreskin, therefore Falwell is the less evil...

Or is he?
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