Friday, April 13, 2007


The Varieties of Pantheism


Which brings us to definitions: Is god constantly looking over your sholder or hiding in your panties? Does your sex life interest god? Or on the other hand is god everything, everywhere? That is the question. Which? Can an immanent god usually be located in your panties? But what about a transcendent god? Clearly the question is one of preference. Which god do you prefer? Furthermore, which god loves you better? The panty god? The other god? And which god do you love better?

And what does, 'transcendent' mean? Whatever it means I prefer that other god. The god of wet underpants does not appeal to me even though (s)he might love the shit out of me. On the other hand I like the idea of pantheistic religion. Pantheism is not divisive. Pantheism unites us all. And Acid confirms our collective religion of Pantheism.

And there can be Sects! For example, I have already claimed the sect of 'Pink Pantheist.' And as the 'leader' of that sect I am willing to sit down and discuss. Are you a 'Brown Pantheist?' No problem. We can still talk. And remember: I have the magic number, 666.


Update: Even during Saturday's hangover the thought that I had screwed up the meanings of 'transcendent' and 'immanent' nagged at me. I just confirmed the screwup and fixed it today (Monday). It is dangerous to do philosophy after more than a few beers!
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