Friday, April 20, 2007


Talking With God


Rereading the previous posts I felt the urge to communicate with God. You folks out there are in constant contact with God: you only have to pray. But I am not so advantaged. I have no such simple line of communication because I never pray. Each method has advantages and disadvantages:

On the one hand I get an immediate response on the BT (Brown Telephone). On the other hand you must usually wait. I see this difference in procedure in terms of my advantage: god has never failed to answer His brown telephone, whereas you pray-ers out there must sometimes wait for generations for the answers to your questions. In fact, most of your prayers are never answered. I think you will agree with that.

So, in keeping with the theme of the most recent post(s), I dialed up God. I picked up the Brown Telephone and dialed 666. God answered immediately. He seemed to be almost breathless with delight as He answered the telephone:


gd: Two hundred and eighty six thousand miles per second!
me: Correct.
gd: Wow! Thank you!
me: You are most welcome.
gd: 300,000 kilometers per second!
me: Close enough.
gd: Jesus will arrive in about four years!
me: Well maybe.

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