Friday, April 27, 2007


The Real Message From God


Which brings us to the idea of 'artificial ecstasy.' It is true that opium (and opiate derivatives like heroin) produce 'ecstasy.' That much is true. But such ecstasy is artificial in the sense that the drug is required in order to repeat said ecstasy. Ecstasy cannot be attained in the absense of the drug. The seeker therefore becomes dependent on an addictive drug.

There is nothing wrong with 'ecstasy.' It has its place in the human domain. Nature allows for 'ecstasy,' but there should be nothing artificial about it. Nature allows for sexual ecstasy, religious ecstasy, and other forms of ecstasy, but Drug Ecstasy is an abberation not likely to be reinforced in Nature due to the singular focus of the phenomenon: one slip and the entire arrangement comes apart resulting in mutual death.

I claim that 'ecstasy' needs to find its place in human culture as a religious/philosophical phenomenon which has its roots in Nature Herself. Religious/philosophical ecstasy ought to be a result of Man meeting Nature. Such ecstasy should tend to reinforce the human position in the scheme of things. 'Natural drugs' should induce a meta-realization of some sort. This realization, combined with other human advances, should tend to prolong human life by producing a meta-realization which can be described as, 'religious,' not to mention 'fortunate.'

I claim that Psilocybin and Mescaline are two such natural life forms. (Not to mention Marijuana!) I furthermore claim that 'God' may well have had Her Hand in the evolution of those drugs (which some of us call, 'Theobotanicals'). I furthermore claim that She so loved The World that She allowed for us to smoke up at our leisure in recent years.
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