Friday, April 20, 2007


No Logic


Which brings us to tonight's list:
Virginia State Police: grinning skull?
Chess in Iraq: the futility of hope.
Don't fuck, jerk off!

The reference to VSP refers to the observed fact that, viewed from a distance or through a slight blur, the insignia of the Virginia State Police very much resembles a smiling skull. Question: is that a mere coincidence? Or on the other hand was that the effect intended by the designer?

Chess in Iraq... refers to 'human hope.' We all love hope. 'Hope springs eternal within the Human breast...' Etcetera and etcetera.

We name our children, 'Hope.' We name our children, 'Faith.' We name our children, Charity.' 'Hope' is good, we think.

But can there be too much hope? Too much of a good thing? I think so. I see excessive hope on the chessboard every day and every night as I 'teach chess' on Comcast. The chess beginner has eternal hope, and will not resign even in the face of overwhelming logic. The chess beginner hopes for a draw by stalemate. I have seen it a hundred times. The chess beginner refuses to accept the inevitable, hoping against hope for the extremely unlikely. The seasoned chess player, on the other hand, recognizes the inevitable and resigns immediately, saving both players unnecessary effort.

Hope, carried to extremes, is wasteful not only on the chessboard but in real life, and that is our situation in Iraq. We have faith; we have hope - Charity is problematical given the situation - but we lack logic. We have no logic. That is our problem. The Bible never mentions logic and this is a religious war, totally lacking logic.
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