Friday, April 13, 2007


Lost in Translation


Quite a bit of stomping above me as I write this. Reason unknown. Message not received.

Tonight's subjects are:
Lost in Translation: Bible stuff.
Going for broke in Iraq.
More 'found ideas.'

I thought I would do a piece on how certain unpleasant or obscene parts of The Bible are relegated to obscurity by having been couched in what I call, 'sacred language.' Briefly, 'sacred language' is biblespeak. Thus, in biblespeak, ugly behavior by important figures in the bible are 'deuglified' (cleaned up) by means of inane language. For example, 'to know' a woman is BibleSpeak (BS) for 'to have fucked' said woman. To know is to fuck or to have fucked. 'To know' does not at all mean 'to know' in the modern sense. Nowadays we know that water (H2O) is composed of two Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom. We know that. The bible does not.

But modern bible translations were done fairly recently by people who knew the difference between 'to know' and 'to fuck.' That is clear. Therefore it is fair to say that those various translations are in some sense 'cover-ups.' The translators could not bring themselves to translate real meaning. How far back does this go?

One of many examples concerns the story of Sodom and Gemorrah. Abraham's nephew Lot was visited by two male angels who were sent by WHTZSNM to warn Lot of the fire and brimstone to come. Lot welcomed the angels, whereupon all the men of Sodom gathered around and demanded that Lot hand the angels over so that they could fuck those male angels up their collective ass (sodomize them) (Genesis 19:5). Yuck.

Lot, seized in the grip of ancient hospitality, offered his virgin daughters instead, to be buttfucked by the unruly mob. It goes downhill from there. Look it up.
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