Friday, April 20, 2007
Another strange week in which the cable news media focused almost exclusively on the tragedy at Virginia Tech, virtually ignoring a much larger tragedy in Iraq. Thirty two people were killed at Virginia Tech on monday, but on tuesday six bombs killed 180 people in Iraq and wounded 150. VT was closer to home and naturally got the most attention.
Another strange week in which the cable news media focused almost exclusively on the tragedy at Virginia Tech, virtually ignoring a much larger tragedy in Iraq. Thirty two people were killed at Virginia Tech on monday, but on tuesday six bombs killed 180 people in Iraq and wounded 150. VT was closer to home and naturally got the most attention.
Question: Did the VT massacre 'energize' the nutcakes (tap) in Iraq to the extent that they blew up six suiciders in Baghdad in some sort of macabre show of solidarity? I suspect so, but I might be wrong. It might only be a coincidence (boom). Do you believe in coincidence? I don't. I think that true 'coincidence' is very rare. I think that what passes for 'coincidence' is often hidden design.
So when I showed up for my periodic 'protime' blood test on tuesday (a day late), the idea of 'coincidence' was far from my mind. I noticed the new girl immediately. She looked Asian. She was sitting at the Kaiser computer. I handed her my Kaiser card. A black womam sitting next to her smiled at me and I smiled back. We were 'old friends' so to say: she had drawn my blood several times in a competent fashion. I trus(tap)ted her.
I sat down to await being called. After about 5 minutes the asian-looking woman who had been at the computer called my name and I followed her into the the 'blood room.'
(Note: The photo shows my arms today (friday). Relative bleeding is obvious. The '3' on my right arm is actually a circle with a dot inside. My intention was to highlight the vein overlooked by the Korean technician.)