Friday, March 23, 2007


What Good Are They?


Kootch had been with me when the fella downstairs had knocked on our door the other day. We both talked to him. We discussed the question of water damage liability. The fella then brought up the question of my blog: he had typed in the blog address but nothing showed up. That seemed strange. Usually (boom), the browser will add the 'http://www stuff to the address you type in. I suggested that he preceed the address with, 'www.'

The fella then launched into a tirade, warning me (tap) to be careful what I wrote about him in my blog, or he would 'come after me.' I felt threatened. Kootch felt threatened. We did not call the ACSD because... what good are they?

As you know, I think that it is only fair that anyone mentioned in my blog should have the blog address. It is true that I have not always followed that policy, but I intend to do so in the future. I had given the address to the fella because it seemed to me to be the Christian thing to do: if he was involved in any sort of dubious activity downstairs my blog would serve as warning: 'Don't do it. I know more than you think I know.' My intention was to keep us both out of trouble.

That plan obviously backfired in a sense, but there was a favorable outcome after all: the ACSD now has my blog address(es)! Yes! The delicious thing about it is that I did not (tap) give that address to them. I did not have to actually e-mail the address to the Chief of Police! You may recall that I attempted to interest the ACSD in my problem some time ago. A visit to Headquarters in search of an interview with a detective turned up only a suggestion to call the cops preferably on a thursday. I did that and Kelso showed up, followed by a pathetic excuse of a psychologist whose name escapes me at the moment. (Yes, I gave the dumb bastard one of my blog addresses - though I did not give any of them to Kelso.)
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