Friday, March 23, 2007


A Significant Encounter


There was an interesting encounter today with (tap) the ACSD. Kootch was in her room and I was at the computer when I heard a knock on the door. I opened Kootch's bedroom door and advised her that somebody was knocking on our door. I thought it was the fella downstairs, and, based on recent history (which I shall relate later) I thought it best that Kootch answer the door while I acted as a sort of backup in case things got suddenly out of hand. Kootch answered the door while I watched and listened... The knocker wanted to speak to me. Kootch asked why. The knocker explained that it was about the guy downstairs (another tap). It turned out that the knocker was an ACSD cop. Whew! I was never so glad to see an ACSD cop! Kootch told him that I would speak to him.

I put the 357 back where it belongs and put on a shirt. I opened the door. The cop looked familiar. He wanted to speak to me outside. I told him that I would join him soon as I had put on some shoes. He was waiting for me just outside the building. The cop then explained that he was there at the request of the fella downstairs. Seems the fella doing the work downstairs had some serious objections to my blog (this blog). The fella had called the ACSD and complained, requesting that I stop writing about him in my blog. The cop had a fistful of (tap) printed paper (this blog!) which had apparently been given to him by the guy downstairs. Wow. The cops had my blog! Finally!

I assured the cop that I would (tap) not further torment the poor fella with my blog. He seemed satisfied. I then questioned the cop concerning whether he had any objection to my mentioning this encounter with him in that same blog. He preferred that our encounter not be mentioned. I explained to him that my blog was a sort of quasi-diary and that it seemed to me that our encounter was a legitimate subject ( I had the right to write). I promised not to identify him.

He seemed satisfied with that, and left soon thereafter, explaining that he had another call.
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