Friday, March 02, 2007


Nature is Mysterious


Can you imagine 800 million godless people? If so, can you imagine what might be their priorities? Let me be very clear about this: you have 800 million people who know that there is no god. What follows from that? It is a question worth considering.

It seems to me that in such a case Humanity has taken a sudden jump quite uncharasteristic in terms of Darwin's Theory. Obviously (in this case) there has been a catastrophic event in the General Human Process: something is amiss. There has been some sort of a catastrophe. Furthermore, the said catastrophe can not be sociological. There are no sociological catastrophes in the absense of physical catastrophes. Yet here is a catastrophe. What was the trigger? There must be a trigger.

The discovery of Jesus' bones (tap) might qualify, which is why I raise the question. But the sequence seems to be circular, and 'circular events' are illogical, therefore implausible: Nature would end should She allow circularity: there is no natural circularity, only mathematical circularity. Nature is essentially, at bottom, random, which allows us, You and me, to exist.

Prove me wrong if you can.
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