Wednesday, March 14, 2007


A Game Worth Playing


Cargo cults promise but never deliver. Performance never enters the equation. You are born; you are indoctrinated; you practice; you die, believing. Meanwhile nothing happened, cargowise. Your life passed. You died and forgot everything. You never existed.

Which brings up the question of whether there ever was a cult worth following; whether there ever was a game worth playing. Is every cult a cargo cult?

The answer is in the cargo. Does the cult actually deliver cargo? Furthermore, is the cargo detectable while you are still alive? There can be no other criterion. And it would follow that the cargo must be detectable immediately. No waiting, especially no waiting until after death. Cargo must be delivered immediately after you begin practice: you practice, you get cargo Immediately. No waiting, no delay, no 'achieving proficiency,' only Cause and effect.

The natives of Borneo built 'airfields' complete with 'control towers' hoping to lure airplanes bearing cargo from the gods (Mondo Cane). No airplanes ever landed there. No airplanes ever will land there on those small hilltop 'airfields,' but the Cargo Cults still exist, hoping, believing in vain. The children of the original believers will go on manning the 'control towers' while other children of the original believers will go on cutting the grass, all waiting for The Arrival. Such is the nature of belief. Christians have been waiting 2000 years for Jesus to return. No doubt they will wait another 2000.

Which brings us back to the original question, above. I claim that the answer to the question above is, 'Yes. There is indeed a cult worth following, a game worth playing.' Stay tuned.
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