Friday, March 02, 2007


All Your Churches Are Belong to Us


The really big news this week is the upcoming documentary about the 'discovery' of Jesus' family tomb. It is due to be aired on the Discovery Channel, sunday. (I have TiVo'd it, and will publish my impressions of it here next week.) Meanwhile the news media has produced many previews, most which I found interesting, even titillating. Suppose those really are the bones of Jesus and His family? What are the implications? (tap) Did they find Jesus' skull? If so, can experts 'reconstruct' His facial features? (Being gassed here - time to watch Millionaire as Kootch eats lunch.) Here is one take. Here is another.

And in a related development one wonders what effect a positive outcome might have on sheep futures in the western world. Time to buy?

Kidding aside, it is fascinating to contemplate the possibility that the bones of Jesus and family have been actually discovered. Christianity would in that case be instantly falsified, leaving about a billion or so Christians with their religious panties down, so to say. Which way would they flop? Consider: Your belief in The Messiah has been proved to have been in error, leaving you with no Messiah (tap). You are Messiahless. God does not love you unconditionally. What, therefore, are you?

You are a Jew. Argh. Double argh. Tripple argh! You are a fucking Jew! (boom) You need to buy a new bible. From fucking Jews! But on second thought you could just keep the one you have and ignore the 'new' part of it. That would work... wouldn't it? But how do you then save your eternal ass? And is it really eternal? And is that a good thing or a bad thing?

And much of modern religious compassion would then disappear, would it not? No more preaching about the Sermon on the Mount? (being gassed here, LLG) Ouspensky would become fatuous, at least insofar as chapter IV of A New Model of the Universe is concerned. No rising from the dead, either. You die, and Heaven and Hell are problematical. (thump)

You are now a Jew, and God allowed Hitler to gas and burn six million of you, recently. Welcome to your new religion.
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