Friday, February 09, 2007


What Was I Thinking?!


Before continuing I should mention that at about 2300L I am reasonably well toasted. Plenty of beer left, plus a huge cache of whiskey. I am ready to wrap it up (thump) for the night. Chinese bean noodle sphagetti beckons, the allure of which is intensified by the fact that my last meal was about 2300 the previous evening. I am hungry.

I am listening to Mozart Pi(thump)ano Concerto #21 again. This might be my favorite Mozart concerto. I have been playing this concerto recently because I have finally memorized (more or less) Beethoven's piano concerto #1 in spite of being mostly drunk when I heard it. It has taken me at least a year to accomplish that task, drunk as a skunk. But I did it: If you persist you can do unlikely things.

I only mention this because as I was driving home from KSS today (tap) I heard a haunting version of #21 (actually the middle movement - 'Elvira Madigan'). I was totally entranced by the sheer beauty of what I was hearing. I was stunned, in fact that this version was so much more beautiful than the version I had on CD. There was no 3rd movement. KVOD explained why, later. But as I listened to the piece I was struck by the sheer beauty of the music which exceeded anything I had ever heard. I was in awe. The solo was done by a beautiful violin. I thought, 'So sweet! Must be a Strad!' (several stomps above me.)

(Another HUGE noise above me at 0006L. Sounded like somebody dropped a heavy object.)

Only after the piece was over and (thump) the young lady acting as MC advised us that this version was in fact a violin rendition in place of piano did I come to realize that I had heard a new version of Sheer Beauty.

'Of course! What was I thinking!'

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