Friday, February 23, 2007


No Warning


Monday's appointment began with the new nurse (Evelyn was gone) saying that Kootch would not be allowed to view the procedures. Not acceptable. I said to her, 'I insist.' She allowed that 'If the doctor has no objection (tap) neither do I.' The doctor had no objection and Kootch was allowed to view the procedures (otherwise there would have been no 'procedures.' I trust Kaiser physicians about as far as I can shit horizontally, which is not very far: Recall the Jewish Bitch Deborah Presken.)

But it (boom) seemed to me that they were rushing me. I wanted to view both of the procedures on their video screens (the nurse said, when I (tap) used the phrase, 'video screens,' 'We do not take videos of these proceedings.' It struck me at the time that she was 'protesting too (boom) much.' But I am paranoid, as you know.) I had been allowed to view all previous colonoscopys and I found them fascinating, and I was especially interested in viewing the upper endoscopy: I wanted to see the actual situation in a stomach which had been warning me painfully for many years. I wanted to know the inner truth. But that truth was denied to me.

Just as it became clear to me that they intended to do the upper endoscopy out of my viewing range Doctor Bill said, 'Open.' I opened my mouth and he sprayed something down my throat (tap) and told me to swallow. At the same time I began to feel dizzy. The procedure had begun. I had not been warned.

As my throat became numb from the spray I suspected I was being drugged through the IV in my right hand. I asked Doctor Bill what they were using. He replied (I think), 'Demerol.'
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