Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Love is Mysterious


Which brings us to 'lo(boom)ve.' What is 'love?' Love is mysterious.

For example, when I did my shopping at KSS today (I do most of the grocery shopping) I was faced with the problem of how to treat tomorrow, Valentine's Day (tap). Should I buy her flowers? As usual? KSS had a selection based on price. And I am cheap (sorry). You can get some cheap roses at KSS.

But our marriage has not been exactly stellar recently. Roses would be overstatement to the point of being mendatious, an intolerable demonstration. So what to do? I could not ignore Valentine's Day insofar as I had been married to this woman for 49 years. Certainly she would have understood my neglect in that regard given current circumstances, but it seemed to me that 49 years could not be ignored. Ostentation was out of the question, of course. Subtlty was needed.

And here is where the lessons of my (?) paid off: I went with the truth of the moment. As I passed by the fruit section I noticed the pinkness of the fresh cut watermellon wrapped in cellophane. I made the associations: pink, fruit, watermellon, yummy. At that point I knew I had my Valentine's gift. I bought her a section of watermellon wrapped in cellophane. Two dollars max. (I had taken my clue from a previous direction from her to the effect to buy 'something sweet.' On that occasion I had bought her a section of cellophane-wrapped watermellon. She loved it.)

Viola! And it had been some time since she had tasted watermellon! No-brainer!

Suffice it to say that that when she removed the watermellon from the shopping bag she said, delightedly, 'Watermellon!?' I said, 'Valentine gift.'

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