Friday, February 23, 2007
The Infinite Series of Celestial Asses
And I could go on and on about the preparations the day before the procedures. Suffice it to say that I spent a lot of time on the potty, and as a result I finished the chapter, 'Why there is almost certainly no God' (The God Delusion). For your information the chapter was devoted almost exclusively to Acquinas' (Aristotle's?) 'Argument From Design.' The argument goes as follows:
'The universe is so gloriously complex that it could not have arisen by chance. Therefore it must have had a Master Designer. We call that Master Designer, God.'
The rebuttal to that argument is that it only pushes the argument back one step: 'Then who designed God? Another God? If so, then who designed that God, and so on. The 'argument,' such as it is, involves an infinite regress, which is to say that it solves nothing: the argument is logically baseless. I would say furthermore that the argument is emotionally baseless: once it is clear that the 'designer of the universe' needs to have been Itself (Himself - Herself) designed by a preexisting enty the emotional brain freezes: 'Which God shall I then worship? Exactly which Celestial Ass should I be kissing?'
And I could go on and on about the preparations the day before the procedures. Suffice it to say that I spent a lot of time on the potty, and as a result I finished the chapter, 'Why there is almost certainly no God' (The God Delusion). For your information the chapter was devoted almost exclusively to Acquinas' (Aristotle's?) 'Argument From Design.' The argument goes as follows:
'The universe is so gloriously complex that it could not have arisen by chance. Therefore it must have had a Master Designer. We call that Master Designer, God.'
The rebuttal to that argument is that it only pushes the argument back one step: 'Then who designed God? Another God? If so, then who designed that God, and so on. The 'argument,' such as it is, involves an infinite regress, which is to say that it solves nothing: the argument is logically baseless. I would say furthermore that the argument is emotionally baseless: once it is clear that the 'designer of the universe' needs to have been Itself (Himself - Herself) designed by a preexisting enty the emotional brain freezes: 'Which God shall I then worship? Exactly which Celestial Ass should I be kissing?'