Friday, February 09, 2007


Existential Stuff


Are you a liberal AntiSemite? perports to test your liberal flavor in regard to Jews and Israel. Well, maybe. I squeaked by with a 16. My answers are at the bottom (tap). Take the test before reading them, because you might be a total nutcase and not realize it.

Make your own word puzzle. A few of the examples are quite funny.

Spent the week doing the usual stuff: watching TiVo, playing chess on Comcast, 'surfing the net,' and playing C-III. I did ok at chess, as usual, even managing (tap) to checkmate an unsuspecting Invincibilis in about 15 moves. And although I spend a lot of time mating strangers on Comcast (several thumps) I have problems with the Comcast chess program: there is a lot of malicious programming written into it.

I came up with the above term while playing C-III. Malicious Programming in C-III rears its ugly head with the advisory which begins with, 'Terrible news, sire...' and the news is sometimes terrible indeed. The fix is to cheat: save every iteration, then redo any that are unsatisfactory. (You should also disable fixed events in favor of random events (forgot the terms for this) right at the beginning of the game.) Anyway, here is a short list of MP on the Comcast chess program:

And I could go on and on but those are the most objectional. I draw the conclusion that the creators of this program were chess losers, in it for the money.

(my answers: a b b a a b a b b b)

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