Friday, February 23, 2007
Enduring Torture
Is it possible that I am becoming too influential for Jewish comfort? Hmm.
Regarding last week's rant I am curious concerning how most Jews would rate it in terms of its 'Antis(tap)emitic content.' I imagine that the average Jew would be horrified, having become used to the idea that, in America Jews have been beyond criticism since WWII. (But, 'the times, they are a-changin'. Check your dick.)
As to the motivation (tap) for that spectacular rant, I credit Judeo-faggot ElectroMagnetic Radiation (EMR) from the uninhabited (and uninhabitable) apartment downstairs. I think the antennas are mounted in the ceiling. Nobody would live there under the conditions I endure. Not even here (boom)! But for me it is a matter of living here or being homeless.
Speaking of which, Thursday night seems to have become the most agonizing night, and certainly accounts for the anger apparent in last Friday's blog posts. Last night was no exception: out of ten hours and fifteen minutes spent in bed last night I got about four hours sleep, the rest having been spent enduring the torture of EMR. All the while, the demented inhabitant above me would tap every time I moved my leg(tap)s. (Moving my feet out of the current EMR field affords a temporary relief from the tingling, stinging, muscle-twitching, but they apparently have the means of repositioning the radiating antenna.)
I don't know how they 'image me' but clearly they can: when I move, they tap. I suspect infra-red, but it could be something else.
Is it possible that I am becoming too influential for Jewish comfort? Hmm.
Regarding last week's rant I am curious concerning how most Jews would rate it in terms of its 'Antis(tap)emitic content.' I imagine that the average Jew would be horrified, having become used to the idea that, in America Jews have been beyond criticism since WWII. (But, 'the times, they are a-changin'. Check your dick.)
As to the motivation (tap) for that spectacular rant, I credit Judeo-faggot ElectroMagnetic Radiation (EMR) from the uninhabited (and uninhabitable) apartment downstairs. I think the antennas are mounted in the ceiling. Nobody would live there under the conditions I endure. Not even here (boom)! But for me it is a matter of living here or being homeless.
Speaking of which, Thursday night seems to have become the most agonizing night, and certainly accounts for the anger apparent in last Friday's blog posts. Last night was no exception: out of ten hours and fifteen minutes spent in bed last night I got about four hours sleep, the rest having been spent enduring the torture of EMR. All the while, the demented inhabitant above me would tap every time I moved my leg(tap)s. (Moving my feet out of the current EMR field affords a temporary relief from the tingling, stinging, muscle-twitching, but they apparently have the means of repositioning the radiating antenna.)
I don't know how they 'image me' but clearly they can: when I move, they tap. I suspect infra-red, but it could be something else.