Friday, January 05, 2007


Tonight's Blogging Points


I'm off to Enough... Be back in a bit.

I'm back at 2156 after an onerous task which took about an hour. Next week I will expound (faint boom) on that stuff in 'Enough.'

Lessee... currently I am on my 8th beer, with a 'recent' history of two double shots. Began around 1500 or so. Seven point five beers and four shots between 1500 and 2011. Feeling moderately good for booze night. Hunger is beginning to creep up on me. Kootch cooked up some spaghetti sauce and some Chinese Bean Threads. Beats pasta, bloodsugarwise. Try it. You'll like it.
Hmm. It just dawned on me that I might have just committed an unforgivable sin against the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Oh well. Maybe the Flying Bean Thread Monster will save me.

(later) 2325L and after watching some TV it seems to me - having finished the tenth beer - that I need to jump-start tonight's blog. So I have just poured my third double shot, holding those two beers in reserve. Plus I have three left over from last week in case I go berserk (not bloodyfuckinglikelyatmyage).

Since it's late and the spaghetti smells good I'll just list tonight's possible subjects and maybe comment on one or two:

Salman Rushdie (Bill Moyers on faith and reason)
Chess lessons: a public service not appreciated
Modern hero: Wesley Autry
Nancy Pelosi
Kieth Ellison and the Koran
The Bush goal
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