Friday, January 12, 2007


The Tar Baby


The big news this week is the prez's (tap) decision to 'escalate; surge; augment' (take your pick) forces in Vietnam... (Oops, I mean Iraq). The additional forces will be used to implement a new strategy to secure Bhagdad labeled 'clear and hold.' That is to say that we intend to 'run 'em out' AND 'keep 'em from coming back!' Hmm. Sounds like a good idea. Whomever thought that one up should be promoted.

But it seems to me that we have overstayed our welcome. Consider: we have deposed (and unfortunately hung) Saddam. We have discovered no 'weapons of mass destruction.' We have instituted Democracy in Iraq. Mission Accomplished. Shouldn't we leave now?

Apparently not. We seem to be stuck to a sort of 'tar baby' and are unable to free ourselves. Were it not for the news that an aircraft carrier and Patriot Missles were being added to the mix we could rest, assured that here was essentially the SOS (same ole shit). But the carrier and the missles alert us to the possibility that Bush the Believer is really on a mission to tempt Jesus to return.

The plan - ostensibly a plan to pacify Iraq - seems on second thought to contain the seeds of an attack against Iran. I recently saw in the news that Israel might be planning a pre-emptive strike on Iran. Is that true? Could Bush be augmenting US forces in the area for the purpose of aiding and abbetting such an attack? Or could this strange buildup be for the purpose of saving Israel the trouble of attacking Iran Itself? Is Bush really a circumcised Jew who plans on moving to Israel if impeached?
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