Friday, January 19, 2007
An Old and Odius Idea
I could go on and on concerning this latest telephone call to God but I will spare you further details. Suffice it to say that I was able to determine that God was afraid Jesus would experience orgasm and that the experience would color His allegiance to the current assexual divine state. In fact I asked God specifically how I should kill the chimp in question and He responded with, 'Crucifiction if possible. Jesus will be ok with that.'
This shocked me again. I then informed God that it was a very old and odious idea, not likely to be accepted in a modern zoo.
God suddenly hung up at that point. I got the impression that I'd better not die in the near future (lots of stomping above me just after I wrote that).
I could go on and on concerning this latest telephone call to God but I will spare you further details. Suffice it to say that I was able to determine that God was afraid Jesus would experience orgasm and that the experience would color His allegiance to the current assexual divine state. In fact I asked God specifically how I should kill the chimp in question and He responded with, 'Crucifiction if possible. Jesus will be ok with that.'
This shocked me again. I then informed God that it was a very old and odious idea, not likely to be accepted in a modern zoo.
God suddenly hung up at that point. I got the impression that I'd better not die in the near future (lots of stomping above me just after I wrote that).