Friday, January 19, 2007


Has Jesus Returned Already?


Since it was my turn to cook supper (tap) I broke off posting and whipped up the following juicy stuff:

(a) A stir-fry consisting of sliced onions, sliced asparagus, bean sprouts, and lettuce. The onions go in first, followed by the asparagus. Toward the end add the bean sprouts, and finally the lettuce. Salt and pepper to taste. Yummy. Don't overcook. You want uniform crunchiness.
(b) One burnt salmon steak (oops, I forgot to turn down the heat after heating up the frying pan).

Kootch ate while I drank beer as we both watched a TiVo'd Millionaire.

Back to business. A certain story all over the national news recently has caused me to wonder whether Bush's new plan for Iraq has actually already worked. Yes, I am referring to the apparent virgin birth of a baby chimpanzee recently at the (?) zoo. I say 'apparent' because although the available male chimpanzees have all been circ -er vasectomized, it is possible that the vasectomy failed in one or more of the males. In any case a female chimpanzee has given birth and the father - if any - is unknown. Suspects include the human cage cleaner. But could this be a virgin birth? And of so, could this be Jesus returning prematurely? Because of Bush's middle east policy?

I think there is a distinct possibility of that. Here is the scenerio:

Jesus was not scheduled to return until the Year of Our Lord 2017. But Bush set certain irreversible processes into motion in the middle east prematurely. Heaven was forced into a panic reaction which included returning Jesus to Earth ahead of schedule. The hasty re-incarnation of Jesus unfortunately went awry somewhere and Jesus was born at the (?) zoo instead of in the usual manger. His birth went unnoticed until a zoo worker saw the new mother carrying a brand new infant. No angels were present, a fact which tends to either emphasize the panic in Heaven on this occasion or discount my conjecture entirely.


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