Friday, November 24, 2006


The Monster Above


The obsessed Jew Gerash has long been involved in 'buying poor performance' from folks who do business with me. It is a modus operandi of long standing, and new glasses have always been a favorite theme in this regard. The most outrageous example of this predeliction was back in the '90s when I attempted to acquire new glasses from Sears at Southglenn. The focus in this case was on the Jewish Optometrist (I had yet to realize that I should avoid Jews) who attended me. This pathetic piece of Jewish Dogshit misread my results and the glasses were totally unacceptable. Attempts to correct the matter were rejected by said Dog Shit, a little Jew who had his business at the Southglenn Sears store. I ended up paying another optometrist to do the measurements. Furthermore, for several years after that incident with the Jew optometrist at Sears I would meet the sucker in the maul as I did my daily walk. I must have passed the Jewish sonofabitch at least a hundred times as I walked the maul near Sears. He would stare at me as we walked by each other. (It was always thus: we met each other. We never overtook each other. This form of 'confrontation' would become a template for all other encounters with Gerashian agents. We would always meet head-on.)

I eventually got the clear impression that this pathetic little Jew was meeting me in response to a (paid) request from somebody who knew where I was at the time. I am now certain I was right about that. I could go on and on regarding this subject but the taps and booms from above during the time I have been typing tell me that I am only feeding the monster lurking above me.

Do you also have a monster lurking above you? Do you feed it with your prayers? I think you do.
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