Friday, November 17, 2006
Losing Interest
While Matt was in Israel he did an interview with Olmert, who was about to fly to America to visit Bush. I was struck by Olmert's answer to a question by Matt concerning the reason for his visit (being gassed here, RLG. By the way, SCRF (skin-crawling RF) stopped about an hour and a half ago. It is now about 1907L). Olmert said something like, 'I am not coming to the US to ask America to save Israel.' Soon after that a photograph of Hitler appeared, followed by a photograph of Ahmedinejad (of Iran). This was followed by a shot of a middle-east map which emphasized the tiny nation of Israel, surrounded by Arab/Muslim lands. I got the impression that I was being 'propagandized. I think that most folks would not have noticed that (propaganda) aspect of the interview.
Concerning the note 'Forbidden Fruit,' I have a recent (last Sunday) copy of 'Cornerstone' on tivo, where the idiot John Hagee explains to the faithful the Garden of Eden myth (Hagee would object to the word, 'myth' of course and insist that the story was factual, having come directly from the mouth of God)... Hmm. I am not into this at all tonight. Guess I'll stop now.
While Matt was in Israel he did an interview with Olmert, who was about to fly to America to visit Bush. I was struck by Olmert's answer to a question by Matt concerning the reason for his visit (being gassed here, RLG. By the way, SCRF (skin-crawling RF) stopped about an hour and a half ago. It is now about 1907L). Olmert said something like, 'I am not coming to the US to ask America to save Israel.' Soon after that a photograph of Hitler appeared, followed by a photograph of Ahmedinejad (of Iran). This was followed by a shot of a middle-east map which emphasized the tiny nation of Israel, surrounded by Arab/Muslim lands. I got the impression that I was being 'propagandized. I think that most folks would not have noticed that (propaganda) aspect of the interview.
Concerning the note 'Forbidden Fruit,' I have a recent (last Sunday) copy of 'Cornerstone' on tivo, where the idiot John Hagee explains to the faithful the Garden of Eden myth (Hagee would object to the word, 'myth' of course and insist that the story was factual, having come directly from the mouth of God)... Hmm. I am not into this at all tonight. Guess I'll stop now.