Saturday, October 07, 2006
Vanity, Thy Name is Ego

I'm on a roll. Another picture or two?
Ah yes! Here is Mark, looking serious, followed by Jenny, pre-braces, in the rear seat of 31 Victor. I took the photos from the front seat of course. Mark is wearing my earphones which were eventually stolen by ground crew at Arapahoe after I left them on the the elevator of 31 Victor. Idiot!
The earphones were green. When the fella asked me what color they were, I knew they were gone forever and that he had taken them. By the way: that fella worked in airport security. I bought new earphones, of course, and did a fair number of Acid trips with them. 31 Victor had one speaker for the radio. It was located (tap) on the upper right. It had no volume control (tap). My first flight in 31 Victor (just after the sale) served to caution me against using that radio without earplugs. My right ear still rings sometimes from that experience. Nothing serious.
31 Victor was a 'high panel' Citabria, meaning that it had more than the rudimentary instruments: you could fly it IFR. If you examine the Citabria Photos in these blogs you will see what I mean. I never flew it IFR, of course. In any case, the Artificial Horizon was missing. The guy I bought it from claimed that it was in the shop and that he would send it to me. He never did.
I was soooo trusting back in those days.