Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Short Game
Needless to say, my opinion of 'the criminal justice system,' and the people in it, went way downhill as a result. Subsequent events over many years only served to reinforce that low opinion.
I no longer see the option, 'switch your blog now' when I sign in to Blogger. Hmm... So, for the moment, I have at least one blog too many. I'm thinking of using it to publish my pictures of 'lightening-struck trees.' (A 'dialog with Jews'!? What was I thinking? Yeeesh. I already have a 'dialog with Jews' (no thump this time). One too many!)
By the way, this is the season when weather tends to strongly influence my 'drunk nights.' Tomorrow the forecast for Denver is snow. So I'm either one day late or two days early. The weekend looks nice...
Been playing a lot of chess online lately (at Comcast). I like the idea of playing as a 'guest' better than the idea of playing as a 'Comcast' user. The annonymity of a 1200 rating allows more flexibility: you can bushwhack high rated players now and then but you can also have fun with novices from the point of view of 'teacher' without seeming to pick on low rated players. My shortest game so far was with somebody named, 'princess.' She was White: 1. b3 e5 2. b4 d5 3. b5 Bc5 4. b6 Bb6 5. Bb2 Qf6 6. Na3 Bf2 mate. I thought that mating her with the bishop instead of with the queen was both heterosexual and economical. No doubt those considerations were lost on her at the time... By the way, the shortest possible chess game (unless the opponent resigns before making a first move) is: 1. e4 g5 2. d4 f6 3. Qh5 mate.
Needless to say, my opinion of 'the criminal justice system,' and the people in it, went way downhill as a result. Subsequent events over many years only served to reinforce that low opinion.
I no longer see the option, 'switch your blog now' when I sign in to Blogger. Hmm... So, for the moment, I have at least one blog too many. I'm thinking of using it to publish my pictures of 'lightening-struck trees.' (A 'dialog with Jews'!? What was I thinking? Yeeesh. I already have a 'dialog with Jews' (no thump this time). One too many!)
By the way, this is the season when weather tends to strongly influence my 'drunk nights.' Tomorrow the forecast for Denver is snow. So I'm either one day late or two days early. The weekend looks nice...
Been playing a lot of chess online lately (at Comcast). I like the idea of playing as a 'guest' better than the idea of playing as a 'Comcast' user. The annonymity of a 1200 rating allows more flexibility: you can bushwhack high rated players now and then but you can also have fun with novices from the point of view of 'teacher' without seeming to pick on low rated players. My shortest game so far was with somebody named, 'princess.' She was White: 1. b3 e5 2. b4 d5 3. b5 Bc5 4. b6 Bb6 5. Bb2 Qf6 6. Na3 Bf2 mate. I thought that mating her with the bishop instead of with the queen was both heterosexual and economical. No doubt those considerations were lost on her at the time... By the way, the shortest possible chess game (unless the opponent resigns before making a first move) is: 1. e4 g5 2. d4 f6 3. Qh5 mate.