Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Shame on Me

Here is BB in the back yard. My 'observatory' is in the background. BB proved to be valuable as a sentinel, barking and growling at the slightest suggestion that his territory was in danger of being invaded. In fact, BB was overactive in that regard, barking even when unexpected events happened outside his 'territory.' BB was so assertive that I began to fear for his safety. What if the neighbors got so upset with his barking that they poisoned him?
About the only way to impress BB was to kick him. A little kick and he would get the message. Usually I only had to yell at him. He knew that if he failed to stop barking I would kick him (gently). BB did not like being kicked, and so he usually heeded my verbal protests. I still feel guilty about kicking BB.
When we sold the house I made the deal contingent on the agreement that the new owner must keep BB in the back yard until he died naturally. So far as I know that deal was honored.
Have you ever kicked a dog? Shame on you.